Inside The Mind Of An Automotive Geek
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Tips To Have Environmental Friendly Vehicles

Remember the Michael Jackson hit song entitled “Earth Song”? It talks about how we give attention to mother earth, and how people take for granted everything despite of the benefits we gain from it. He also emphasized that people don’t even give a d*mn, even a little bit of consideration on this.
Well, I just remembered that song since I’ve encountered news in the net that features not actually anything about the Volvo alternator that I’m looking for. Rather, it talks about simple tips on how to have greener cars.
According to that piece of news, if you have a car, it doesn’t matter whether it’s already old-fashioned or if it’s the latest model in the market or how big it is or how cute it looks. What is important is to make sure that it is environmentally friendly - with that you’re not just enjoying your ride but you are also lending a hand in making our environment more beautiful to live in.
But do you know how to make certain preventive measures and are you aware of those steps to ensure yourself that you’re driving a greener car? If not, you have to take into account the following steps to have a friendly car at the same time have better gas mileage.
First step: Maintain to have a vehicle appropriately tuned-up for a most advantageous and a most favorable performance. Make sure to have balance of control so you can have a great fuel economy.
Make sure to check the battery, charging and starting; engine mechanical; powertrain control; fuel; ignition; and emissions. Remember that by inspecting those car parts will guarantee you an improvement in gas mileage.
But if ever you encountered a more serious problem like fixing a Volvo cargo liner or a Volvo oxygen sensor, let a professional mechanic do the task if you can’t handle the situation.
Second step: Calling all who own vehicles using a Saturn air filter, take time to inspect your air filters and it is necessary to replace it if you notice that it can no longer function well because of accumulated dirt. This may cause the engine to breakdown and that will only give you a headache. Replacing a dirty air filter will save as much as 15 cents/gallon.
Third step: If you have a Saturn spark plug or any kind of spark plug, try to check it. Just like the air filter, this one also wastes fuel and it is one of the causes of car failures and breakdowns. Better replace it if you think it will not help you get a nice ride.
Fourth step: Maintain the vehicle’s cooling system thermostat to help increase its competence and lessen vehicle emissions.
Fifth step: Follow all the maintenance and repair tips from the Car Car Council site
Sixth step: Make sure that the tires are puffed up the way it should be and do away with forceful driving.
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